The Twenty Precepts of Gichin Funakoshi – No. 5
‘ Spirit first, technique second’ In this precept ‘spirit’ could be synonymous with ‘enthusiasm’, but I interpret it as ‘attitude’.
‘ Spirit first, technique second’ In this precept ‘spirit’ could be synonymous with ‘enthusiasm’, but I interpret it as ‘attitude’.
‘ First know yourself before attempting to know others’ There are two interpretations of this precept, one to encompass our training within the dojo and
‘ Karate is an aide to Justice’ Originally, this precept would have been more of a call to arms in the face of any injustice
Also known as Gyaku-zuki! This is probably the most practiced, most used and most renowned technique in traditional karate… so why are so many people
‘ There is no first attack in karate’ This is normally incorrectly taken to mean that in a fight a karate practitioner should not
‘Karate begins with courtesy and ends with courtesy’ This is the first precept for a reason. Courtesy and respect towards others should be part of
Tekki Shodan – Tekki beginning level Tekki Nidan – Tekki second level Tekki Sandan – Tekki third level
Ippon Kata The one without any arms! Ippon kata is learnt at white belt level to give the student an introduction to Kata and Stances
Hitotsu! Jinkaku kansei ni tsutomeru koto Standard translation – To seek perfection of character Bushido Hombu translation – To seek perfection of character Hitotsu! Makoto
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